Fulbright-Nehru Delegation from India Visits GW

October 2, 2017

Fulbright-Nehru at the GroW garden

The Fulbright-Nehru Group Visits the GroW Garden

Part of a half-day visit by this year’s Fulbright-Nehru International Education Administrators Seminar, visitors from several Indian cities were offered a tour led by Meghan Chapple, Director of the Office of Sustainability & Senior Advisor on University Sustainability Initiatives.  The group of twelve university leaders from India visited the Foggy Bottom campus, including the GroW Garden, as part of a GW Sustainability tour. They learned about GW’s recycling programs, sustainable building practices, and energy conservation efforts, among other sustainability initiatives.

Beyond the campus tour, the group met with GW administrators Donna Scarboro, Associate Provost for International Programs; Jennifer Donahue, Director of the International Services Office;  Geneva Henry, Dean of Libraries and Academic Innovation; and P.B. Garret, Senior Associate Dean for Innovative Teaching and Learning & Chief Academic Technology Officer. Panelists offered insights into and fielded questions regarding the internationalization of campus and academic innovation.

GW was the first stop on the group’s two week visit to colleges and universities in the DC and larger Mid-Atlantic region. The goal of the program is for the participants to gain knowledge from their international colleagues in order to widen their scope of knowledge and bring their experiences back to their home institutions.