Essential Travel Process Steps
GW’s Interim Policy for International Travel requires that GW students, faculty, and staff must obtain prior approval to engage in essential international travel relating to their GW positions or service. Prospective travelers should contact their dean’s or vice president’s office for specific details of the process.
Review and Approval Process
Before completing a travel request, prospective travelers must review the acknowledgement of travel responsibilities and limitations of support document, which all travelers will be expected to sign and abide by for any GW-affiliated travel.
You may preview a sample of the acknowledgement here. Your dean or vp’s office may have additional items for you to review when initiating your request.
Registration Process
If your travel is approved by the dean or vice president, the Office of International Programs will be notified of your approved travel and will open a travel record for you in GW Passport, GW’s travel registration database.
The Office of International Programs will email you with instructions to access the record, and you will be directed to the online travel registration component of the process, where you will be asked to:
- register travel with your consulate of citizenship;
- enroll or create an account with GW’s GeoBlue health insurance;
- note important GW and GeoBlue emergency contact information;
- confirm your travel itinerary, including flight arrangements, lodging, and in-country contact information;
- provide personal emergency contact details and passport information;
- confirm your awareness of travel responsibilities and limitations of support;
- electronically sign GW’s Standard Risk and Release Form (students only).